Abstract colorful painting by Dylan, age 5, My Forever Son: Chronicling Grief, Hope, and Healing After Losing My Son to Suicide, A Poem of Frantic Longing After Losing My Son to Suicide: I Will Seek Until I Find You
The Color of My Grief, My Forever Son

A Poem of Frantic Longing After Losing My Son to Suicide: I Will Seek Until I Find You

ABOUT THIS POEM: A Poem of Frantic Longing After Losing My Son to Suicide: I Will Seek Until I Find You evokes profound emotions and explores the journey of losing a child to suicide through heartfelt poems, external resources, and personal experiences. The use of imagery and language effectively communicates grief, longing, and love grief, longing, and love.

The related posts and external links provide additional resources for readers interested in exploring more on this topic. The poem is part of a collection of poems about losing a child to suicide: Find Hope Here: Poems of Love, Loss, and Losing a Child.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: I write heartfelt poems about losing a child to suicide because I lost my only child, my 20-year-old son, Dylan, to suicide on June 25, 2012. Read More: 11 Years After Suicide Loss: I Still Want to Believe.

Losing a child to suicide is catastrophic, devastating, life-changing. Writing poems, books, music, and this blog, My Forever Son: Chronicling Grief, Hope, and Healing After Losing My Son to Suicide, help me process the grief and trauma left behind. Read More: About My Forever Son

Resources and Strategies for Coping with Suicide Loss

Red Ground Roses, My Forever Son, A Poem of Frantic Longing After Losing My Son to Suicide: I Will Seek Until I Find You
Red Ground Roses, My Forever Son

A Poem of Frantic Longing After Losing My Son to Suicide: I Will Seek Until I Find You

I Will Seek Until I Find You

And where will you run when arms reach
(but you’re not mine)
When I can feel still so strongly
(holding you still in my arms)

From here frantic I search wildly
(but cannot ever now find)
Little one in pictures
(trying hard for one so young)

Standing, but not steady, little hand tucked inside mine
Holding on together climbing moonbeams to the stars
Once upon a time ago—forever in my mind
I thought us both impervious
(Against the ravages of time)

Oh little one where art thou
Whence I call you once again
Dearest child, still my child on earth
(in a world so vast and big)
You've gone where I can't find you
(and seek still that which did exist)

If God can hear prayers from below
(and you can see me now)
Please know I miss you terribly
(and will seek until I find)
A way to hold you yet again
(your hand yet still tucked in mine)

When fire moon red bloodies
Little star that once was mine
Deepest blue on blackest night
(I will seek until I find)
Little one beside me
(your hand tucked inside mine.)

© Beth Brown, 2022
I Will Seek Until I Find You
Find Hope Here: Poems About Losing a Child to Suicide

Have You Lost a Child to Suicide?

Snow-covered branches of a magnolia tree in winter framed by brick wall and snow in the background, My Forever Son, c

Suicide is the anchor point on a continuum of suicidal thoughts & behaviors. This continuum is one that ranges from risk-taking behaviors at one end, extends through different degrees & types of suicidal thinking, & ends with suicide attempts and suicide.  Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison, National Library of Medicine

Support Group for Parents of Suicides

Parents of Suicides is a closed online email group that I have found lifesaving after losing Dylan to suicide. Read more about Parents of Suicides here.

From the Parents of Suicides’ Online Site:

We invite you to visit our memorial websites and learn about the people remembered on them: daughters, sons, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, friends and others who reached a point of no return, and left.

We have two email support groups for anyone whose life has been affected by the suicide of another person. Both groups are led by volunteers; the groups don’t offer advice, and there is no charge to join them.

Parents of Suicides (POS)

Friends and Families of Suicides (FFOS)

If you’d like to join either support group, click here to read about the groups and to get directions on how to join.

Parents of Suicides

PoS-FFOS, Parents of Suicide and Friends and Families of Suicide

Healing Words: 3 Free Poems for Coping with the Loss of a Child to Suicide

Bury My Heart: Bury My Heart: Bury My Heart: A Poem About Losing a Child to Suicide

Sorrow Buried in Love: Sorrow Buried in Love: A Poem About Losing a Child to Suicide

He Left Too Soon: He Left Too Soon: A Poem About Losing a Child to Suicide

A Collection of Poems: Find Hope Here: Featuring Poems About Losing a Child to Suicide

Beat Still My Heart: A Poem About the Heaviness in Grief After Losing My Son to Suicide: Beat Still My Heart

Bury My Heart: A Book of Poems About Losing a Child to Suicide

Now Available on Amazon Kindle



Bury My Heart: Poems About Losing a Child to Suicide is a collection of poems that intimately explores the painful journey of losing a child to suicide. The author delves into the depths of grief, navigating through the complexities of emotions and contemplating the profound impact of such a tragic loss. This book serves as a powerful tribute to the author’s child and offers solace to those who have experienced similar heartbreaking circumstances.

1. A Deep Sorrow: The author delves into the raw and overwhelming sorrow that engulfs the heart after losing a child to suicide. The poems encapsulate the profound pain and grief, depicting the author’s struggle to come to terms with this devastating tragedy.

2. Earth, Stars, Moon, Sky: Here, the author finds solace and reflections in the natural world. Through vivid and contemplative imagery, the poems explore the intricate connection between nature and the grieving process, offering a sense of healing and connecting with something greater than oneself.

3. Why? The “Why?” section delves into the deeply human experience of grappling with the unanswered question of why their child chose to take their own life. These poems intricately examine the multitude of emotions and thoughts that encompass this agonizing contemplation.

Section 4: In Losing You, I Lost Me Too
This section delves into the deeply personal and transformative impact of losing a child to suicide. The poems reflect on the profound changes that occur within oneself, as the writer navigates through the depths of grief and tries to reclaim and redefine their own identity amidst the pain.

Section 5: That My Love Be With You Always
In the final section, the writer explores the enduring power of love and the narrative of eternal connection. The poems celebrate the everlasting bond between the writer and their child, expressing a desire to ensure that love remains a guiding force, even in the absence of physical presence.

Within Bury My Heart: Poems About Losing a Child to Suicide, readers will find a collection of poems that not only encapsulates the profound grief and complex emotions surrounding the loss of a child to suicide but also serves as a source of comfort and understanding. Through its powerful and evocative verses, this book honors the memory of the beloved child while offering solace to those who have gone through similar experiences.

Resources for Coping with the Heaviness of Guilt in Suicide Grief


Rising from Grief: Embracing Hope and Healing After Losing a Child to Suicide

Rising from Grief: Embracing Hope and Healing After Losing a Child to Suicide Introduction ABOUT THIS POST: Rising from Grief: Embracing Hope and Healing After Losing a Child to Suicide conveys a powerful message of hope and healing after the loss of a child to suicide. The inclusion of personal narratives, poems, songs, and reflections…

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Finding Hope, Healing, and Resilience in Nature

ABOUT THIS POST: Finding Hope, Healing, and Resilience in Nature is deeply moving, capturing the emotional journey of finding hope and healing through nature following the loss of a loved one. The heartfelt connection to nature is beautifully expressed, and the photographs complement the written text well. Finding Hope, Healing, and Resilience in Nature Finding…

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If I Could Find My Way: A Song About Losing My Son to Suicide

If I Could Find My Way: A Song About Losing My Son to Suicide ABOUT THIS POST: If I Could Find My Way is an intimate song I wrote about the intense longing and ache I felt after losing my son to suicide. I sat down with my guitar, hit “play” on my recorder (which…

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Mr. Lincoln tea hybrid red rose in full bloom in June photograph close up, My Forever Son book jacket to 19 Poems to "Beat Still My Heart" and "My Child on Earth Above, In Heaven's Care" song, and poem "If Only a Mother's Love Could Have Saved You" and Table of Contents, Sorrow Buried in Love, and 5 ways suicide grief is different and Rising Up Because Love Lives Forever

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